Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Nothing less than a declaration of war..."

Up to now I haven't had a thing to say about who-all got elected to this or that shiny office in the national government. This is because I don't care which of those idiotic would-be rulers you chose as the lesser evil. I just wish you'd stop choosing evil. (I'm speaking to voters and other dupes here - you know who you are.)

But there's one development several gun-rights activists loudly and confidently predicted, despite all the assurances by the Anointed One and his apostles that it wasn't so. And as David Codrea of the Gun Rights Examiner (one of the loudest predictors, it must be said) reports today, here we go...

If passed, [H.R.45] would require that anyone wishing to purchase, own, or possess a "qualifying firearm" - that's any handgun, and any long gun capable of accepting a detachable magazine - would have to be licensed by the state or the federal government in a licensing program managed by the Attorney General. To get a license you would have to prove you're you, provide a passport-style photo, a thumbprint, and take a written exam which includes questions about firearms safety, safe storage, the risks of firearms ownership, and anything else the Attorney General deems appropriate. All transfers would be required to go through a licensed dealer with the exception of occasional gifts or bequests between parents, children (18 or over), and grandparents, or loans of not more than 30 days between "persons who are personally known to one another." (It actually says that. I'm not making this up.) And all transfers would have to be recorded in a "Transfer Record" established and maintained by the Attorney General.

The bill also makes it a crime for a dealer to have shoddy records or fail to appropriately cooperate with any inspectors. It makes failure to report the loss or theft of a firearm within 72 hours a felony punishable by up to 2 years in prison. Failure to keep a firearm locked up in such a way as to keep it inaccessible to anyone under 18 becomes a federal felony too.

Yeah. I gotcher thumb print right here, guys. Come and get it.

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