I think I'm going to name him Bueller.
No, not the puppy. Two mornings running I'm making breakfast or cleaning up after breakfast, look out the kitchen window and see a plump little cottontail working on the grass that grows around my gray-water pool. Just outside the Lair. Just as if there weren't three big, carnivorous-as-hell dogs hanging around all about me. And he just loiters out there, with not a care in the world. This morning I went outside to dispose of some cans, and he moved out of the way so sluggishly I could have killed him with a rock if I'd wanted to.
Used to be you never, ever saw rabbits near the Lair. No rabbit is ever likely to be a Nobel Laureate in mathematics, but they're not that dumb. Either this one really is that dumb, or my boys are really, really slowing down.
If all goes according to schedule, the new puppy (puppy name TBD) is due to arrive tomorrow morning or afternoon. If that doesn't stir things up on the dog front around here, I surely don't know what would. I like the peace and quiet, but too much of a good thing is just plain bad. I think maybe a few things around here could use a good stir.
Granted that in another six weeks or so if all goes according to plan (and no such thing has gone to plan yet) it'll all be moot. Soon there'll be other people here, and other dogs. That will sure as hell stir things up, and I'm coming to the belief that that'll be good all around. I can't seem to rouse myself to get much work done anymore, either physical or literary; all I want to do is play with the dogs, read and nap. Even if it's aggravating as hell at first, the dogs aren't the only ones around here that need to get their somnolent asses in gear.
So bring it on, Bueller. Let's see how long you last in our sleepy little desert world after we've stirred the pot just a little!
Today in History...
5 hours ago
If you're taking suggestions for a puppy name, how about Spooner?
Was planning to name my dog that, but since she answered to the name the people I got her from gave her, I just decided to let her keep it.
Spooner is actually high on the list of possibles. Leading the pack right now is Trouble, which I've been thinking of since so many people lined up to tell me what a mistake I was making getting a male. :-0
I generally wait to name cats until they sort of tell me what their name is. I don't have that much experience with dogs, but it seems like they can take years to show their adult personality so possibly that practice won't work so good lest he spend his whole life thinking his name is "puppy."
O.K. I had to google Spooner, never heard of that name for an animal before. I thought you might be calling him that because you let the dogs occasionally sleep with you in the winter time to keep warm at night:) Oiy what a plebe I am.
CM, we're gonna have to revoke your freedomista license and turn your picture to the wall! Spooner is the fictional dog in Claire Wolfe's very last Hardyville epic, and the namesake of Lysander Spooner, a 19th century prototype rational anarchist.
But everybody knows that. You're just funnin' us, right?
Yeah....yeah...thats right... I was just funnin ya...yeah thats what I was doing.
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