This is your ruler on drugs:
Get the picture?
...Is Not a Bullet, But a Belly Laugh!
"Freedom Outlaw. It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it. It’s an attitude — from which actions always follow. It’s a do-it-yourself occupation. And a lifetime vocation."
- Claire Wolfe, Backwoods Home Companion, 6-07-10
"Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force."
- Barbie
1 comment:
What you guys don't have laws against violent crime already? Now you get a special category all to your selves if it is deemed you did it because you hate the victims "group"?
This is how it started here, Hate crime legislation, then they decided it was better to nip things in the bud and set up these (IN)Human Rights Commissions, which BTW have a 100% conviction rate, to police thoughts, the Internet and writings of all kind.
Someone can anonymously complain to their local HRC and the Gov will use your own tax dollars to run you thru the ringer, average time for a case from beginning to completion is about three years, average # of Bureaucrats per file, about 15.
Current famous case decisions, Lady can't be fired at McDonald's just because she refuses to ever wash her hands. Bar must allow a medical Pot smoker smoke his meds in the bar or be shut down, yet other department of Gov. says if he does he will be shut down because it is a controlled substance. All woman's Gym must provide same facilities for Un-Operated ( Still has equipment attached)sex change trans gendered, even if it is uncomfortable for the fully female in the shower room at the gym. A pastor makes an anti gay agenda letter to the editor, in regards to a ruling that gay lifestyles must be taught in elementary school system, he is ordered to never write or say, communicate what could be interpreted as an anti-gay thing again. Even in private conversation, private e-mails, even at the pulpit.
Their powers are sick.
This is a very steep slope that takes no time at all to get rolling all over anybody.
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