Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our Lady of Snarky Goodness

I really should put together a blogroll of some sort. Keep meaning to, but it's time-consuming and I'm lazy and you probably already have your favorites anyway. But here's a recommendation for those who might not already be aware.

Tamara K., a lady from Indianapolis, runs a blog called View From The Porch. She mostly writes about guns, which may or may not be a primary interest of yours, but she is a finely-honed mistress of the snarky quip and has become an almost-never-miss daily read of mine.

Examples from yesterday:
Did you hear? Ruger's gone carbon-neutral. Yup, they've wrapped ol' Bill “No Honest Man Needs A Handgun Smaller Than A Canned Ham” Ruger Sr.'s corpse in copper wire and lined the coffin with magnets, and now the whole plant is off the grid. They've broken with Bill's mandates by offering us Simple Civilians a whole slew of new guns.
The downside is that all of that name-brand bling costs money and most AR buyers simply DX half the factory parts on the gun in favor of the contents of pages 63 through 101, inclusive, of the Brownell's catalog. An AR with a street price north of one-and-a-half long is nice, but only when you've picked out the toppings yourself.

Check her out when you get a chance! Her gun interests go deeper and more detailed than mine, for example I couldn't really care less what-all Ruger's product line is up to today, so I won't claim to hang on ever word that passes her fingertips. But she is a very entertaining writer and I enjoy her blog a helluva lot. You might, too.

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