Kinda trapped indoors today. It should be a great weekend: M's parents are visiting, and they're interesting and very pleasant folks. The landlady got here today, and that's always a treat. But it started raining around 11 and doesn't look to want to stop. It's unusual: Usually during monsoon we get a rain shower, or at least the threat of one, later in the afternoon. Today it's settling in like a gray day in the midwest. So everybody's cocooned in their various hides, reading and waiting it out.
Magnus the Somnolent has been revived by Mom's presence, so he's over there where she's hanging out in the scriptorium and so is Fritz. Ghost has been at S&L's since early morning, and only Little Bear has chosen to hide in the lair with me. He's sacked on my bed. When the weather gets interesting, satellite coverage gets spotty so I'm not even 100% sure I'll be able to post this.
Nothing else to do, so I guess I'll just find a book to read, and leave you with a bit of culchah! Been thinking about this poem lately - it sort of sums up my feelings toward all the paeans of praise and lowered flags honoring the latest dead kennedy, as well as the whole "strong-man" approach to politics our would-be masters have been treating us to lately.
England in 1819
Percy Bysshe Shelley
An old, mad, blind, despised, and dying king,--
Princes, the dregs of their dull race, who flow
Through public scorn,--mud from a muddy spring,--
Rulers who neither see, nor feel, nor know,
But leech-like to their fainting country cling,
Till they drop, blind in blood, without a blow,--
A people starved and stabbed in the untilled field,--
An army, which liberticide and prey
Makes as a two-edged sword to all who wield,--
Golden and sanguine laws which tempt and slay;
Religion Christless, Godless--a book sealed;
A Senate,--Time's worst statute unrepealed,--
Are graves, from which a glorious Phantom may
Burst, to illumine our tempestous day.
Precious Memeries...
2 hours ago
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