Saturday, March 20, 2010

Be sure to fill out those forms accurately, y'all.

WASHINGTON -- Two scholars say in a new research paper that despite earlier denials, the Census Bureau was deeply involved in the roundup and internment of Japanese Americans at the onset of U.S. entry into World War II.

The academics say the Census Bureau's involvement included identifying concentrations of people of Japanese ancestry in geographic units as small as city blocks, lending a senior Census Bureau official to work with the War Department on the relocation program and a willingness to disclose names and address of Japanese Americans.


Anonymous said...

Not only that, but around the same time, the Census Bureau revealed the names of individual Japanese-Americans who lived near Washington, D.C. -- including an infant and a Census Bureau employee!

So much for the way they swear that NO individual data is ever revealed.

Too, with today's huge databases, once the supposedly "anonymized" data is shared with researchers and marketers, it's no great trick to match that with the individualized data held by credit bureaus, law-enforcement agencies, etc. and come up with profiles for millions of very specific individuals.

Resist the census!

The Grey Lady said...

Heh, we don't have such a great record on how we treated the Japanese after Pear Harbor. We did the internment thing too in the name of "National Security". No mention if the census was used or if they just had folks call and report those "slanty eyed" traitors. Both are despicable and in my books kinda put us morally in lock step with Hitler and his idiotology.