Saturday, March 13, 2010

That sepulchral laughter in the background is Orwell's

Coming to a telescreen near you:
Ortiz says his bill is designed to save lives, just like laws that ban the use of trans fats and require chain restaurants to post nutrition information.

"It's time for us to take a giant step," Ortiz said yesterday. "We need to talk about two ingredients of salt: health care costs and deaths."

He claims billions of dollars and thousands of lives would be saved if salt was taken off the menu altogether.

See, this is what I hate about ObamaCare. It isn't that the health care system will surely collapse under its weight, because I know where I can find a doctor to sew my wounds after the Hindenburg hits the Titanic. It isn't that the collapse may well take the US economy with it, because that's what all those big bags of food in my pantry are for. No, those are side issues.

Once the argument can be made that "we're all paying for your healthcare," your "health" becomes everybody's business. Including anything and everything that could, by whatever tortured logic, possibly affect your health. ObamaCare pushes the camel's nose into the tent right up to the hips, and if you think mandatory hockey helmets in the shower aren't right behind that, you haven't been paying attention.

I don't know - it would be too depressing to check - but I'm going to go ahead and guess that the Department of Health and Human Services already has SWAT teams. That they might one day bust into your house and shoot your dogs for health is, oddly enough, not as ludicrous a suggestion as it once might have been.

Oh...and Councilman Ortiz? I've got a 25-pound sack of salt right here, and I'm not afraid to use it. It's right next to the stack of loaded AK magazines, so any time you want to come confiscate it, bring a friend. I suggest someone from the Department of Education.

1 comment:

The Grey Lady said...

Joel says:Once the argument can be made that "we're all paying for your health care," your "health" becomes everybody's business. Including anything and everything that could, by whatever tortured logic, possibly affect your health. know what you are talking about. This is used here in Canerder every day as an excuse to meddle in folk's business. How you can do the mental gymnastics to pass a law that makes private medical care against the law and then use that forced restriction as an excuse to stop folks from doing stuff that some are afraid is just tooooo dang risky is beyond me. But it can and it is used allllllll the time. Drives me right batty it does.