Thursday, April 22, 2010

Engrish may not be the writer's first language.

So W and I are trying to move his uber-router to the powerhouse, in hopes he can get some use from it. My wi-fi still works okay, but his really sucks and he paid for the thing. We've got 500' of Cat5e and it's only about a 200' run, but we didn't have any cable ends or a terminating tool. So W, master of Internet-fu, sent for the tool, the plugs, and a tester. Neither of us really know what we're doing.

A problem arose when he attempted to read the instructions for the tester:

  • This cable tester cannot test only electrified product.
  • 9V reduplicated battery is used in this tester. Battery is advised to change if any weak light appears.
  • Test cannot be done while RJ45's copper screezers are not totally pressed. Any disobeys may lead to a permanent damage of the end.
  • Please use quality tools to press the cable.
  • Any end not notified by 6P6C cannot test telephone cables. Any disobeys may also lead to a permanent damage of the end.

Y'know, I used to get paid to fix language like this. Thought I'd left all that behind me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Any disobeys may also lead to a permanent damage of the end."

I love that! I think I'll make that my new mantra. Thanks for the morning chuckle and I'm grateful your sweatshirt saved your life. The world would be worse off without you. I only hope you learned that "any disobeys may also lead to a permanent damage of the end."