Thursday, April 1, 2010

New Crisis - Guam may tip right over!

Sleep sweet, citizens. Your leaders are hard at work protecting you from the things you don't want to think about.

It seems that an important part of a Navy Admiral's job is being able to participate in sessions like this with a straight face.

Sweet Jumping Cthulu - Your tax dollars at work.


CorbinKale said...

One thing is certain, we ARE approaching a tipping point.

Uncle W. said...

Okay, got it. He's a Georgia Democrat.

I wish I could say that explained it.

Anonymous said...

Here's the background and the spin. You see, Johnson actually didn't MEAN Guam was going to tip over and capsize. What he really meant was ... well, you have to read it to (dis)believe it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I couldn't even watch the whole thing, the stupidity was so painful.

I love this bit of deliciously sarcastic snark from the article:

"Like other islands, Guam is attached to the sea floor, which makes it extremely unlikely that it will tip over, even if there are lots and lots of people on it. "