Friday, May 21, 2010

I don't think I'd want to be Josh Sugarmann.

Poor guy. He writes this HuffPo piece crowing over the decline in sales numbers for ARs (and it's about damn time - maybe ammo prices will come down a little) and what does he get? Multiple pages of comments about the price of AR15s - from people who've been waiting out the sales boom.

Sheesh. When you can't get a majority of anti-gun comments on a Huffington Post thread, you are truly irrelevant. He also gets repeatedly spanked for his lies concerning the history of "modern sporting rifles."

Personally I've never been an AR fan, though I freely admit it's a rockin' accurate platform. Back when I shot a lot of high-power, guys with AR-based race guns used to regularly kick my (and my standard M1A's) ass. Of course the fact that I've never really been all that great a shooter had nothing to do with it.

1 comment:

Pat H. said...

Yes, I've never been an AR fan, mostly due to the performance of the cartridge than the rifle itself.

Then I researched the 6.5 Grendel, the finest cartridge that will function through a standard AR15 sized action.

What's not to like; 75% of the power of the 7.62NATO with half the recoil and greater down range performance at 800+ yards.

All in a 7.5 pound carbine. The only downside is ammo costs, but there's always a downside, isn't there?