Thursday, May 6, 2010

"You're a citizen if we say you are..."

"And if we say you aren't, we don' need no steeking Constitution..."

There are two things about this bill I suggest people get shocked and terrified by:
1. Terrorist Expatriation Act - TEA. Tea. Get it? Get it? Aw, c'mon. You get it, right?

2. Guess who gets to decide who's a terrorist?
...the State Department would also be authorized to revoke the citizenship of a U.S. national who provides material support or resources to a Foreign Terrorist Organization, as designated by the Secretary of State...
Yupper. Pass this one, Joe, and Hillary becomes the "Guess who's gonna be late for dinner" Czarina. Maybe she'll thank you for that, after her (literal, perhaps) coronation.

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