Arizona joins Vermont and Alaska in treating adults like adults.
The new non-law has fallen pretty much off the national radar because of all the talk generated by that other thing Arizona did. But this is good, anyway.
Today in History...
5 hours ago
Free exercise of a Constitutionally protected Right? What will those crazy Arizonans demand next? That the Federal Government enfore their own immigration laws? Ludicrous!
Why, you must prepare for the inevitable blood bath, of course. Carnage in the streets. Just like Vermont and Alaska.
Arizona, Vermont and Alaska are making us Texans look terrible, on the liberty front.
Our silly-assed legislators are scared witless to decriminalize Open Carry! They are stubbornly maintaining their unconstitutional arms infringement laws, and it's friggin' humiliating.
Now if AZ would just legalize weed like CA, it would be the ultimate place for the Guns and Dope party!
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