Monday, August 23, 2010

I don't post videos on how to waltz...

...and a lot of people shouldn't post videos on how to be tacticool.

They just really shouldn't.

H/T to Tam.


The Grey Lady said...

I am fairly sure his breasts are bigger then mine....thats just not right. I was too distracted to listen.

The Grey Lady said...

MJ you have made me feel very small indeed. Nothing wrong with big boys.

While watching the video I was very distracted by his breasts and thought. "Oh this must be what some men talk about, when they explain how their eyes are automatically beamed on women's accouterments and some how find it difficult to concentrate on what she is saying"...

Blame it on the full moon.

MamaLiberty said...

Couldn't watch the video, but I did notice the roll of duct tape in the picture. The guy can't be all bad! LOL

The Grey Lady said...

MJ I didn't take it as a cheap shot, not to worry. :O)

It just reminded me that looks was not the topic of humour in this case. I keep forgetting my old Welsh granny's "sage" advice on looks.

What does beauty matter when we all look pretty much the same when we have been dead for five years or so.

Huh...I know...... she made no sense but that was my Granny and I did say she was Welsh.