So I got the engine running on the tractor. Yay me. Took long enough, but then I was just doing it in spare minutes, right? Not my tractor.
But then, having let it warm up through posting the previous, er, post, I go outside to play with it a bit. Take off the trickle charger, rescue my wrenches, swing the battery tray back over the engine.
Close the hood.
Climb into the seat.
Goose the throttle once or twice: Nice and smooth now.
Run the scoop up so it'll roll.
Engage the clutch. (Hm! That's a mighty easy clutch!)
Attempt to put it in gear. (GRIND)
Attempt to put it into another gear. (GRIND)
Hmm. I think maybe we got snookered.
French bulldog at the Louvre in Paris
1 hour ago
Ah, things mechanical... They never let you off easy! Hopefully it's just a linkage problem...
A good Jerk line should fix it. Did it? lol
Might need to double clutch that thing.
I always start with the very simple stuff - and if that doesn't work, find someone who actually knows what they're doing.'ve checked the tranny fluid????
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