Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The S in NASA stands for ... um ... Wait, I used to know this one...

Stupid foreign policy?
James Hansen, the head of one of President Barack Obama’s NASA labs, came to Canada last week to tell us not to allow a French company called Total to proceed with its Canadian oilsands project.

Even for Obama, that’s quite a foreign policy accomplishment: Interfering with two allies at once.

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

NASA, oil.... NASA, oil.... Somehow I don't get the relationship. This guy will send millions to Brazil for oil exploration/production, all while shutting down domestic production in the Gulf, and telling Canada not to use their own resources... The only thing I can do is scratch my head and ask WTF?!! Strap on the tinfoil hat and chalk it up to NWO redistribution conspiracy, it's as good an explanation as any...