Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I feel safe. Murderous, but safe.

Get a load of the mousse-head at 0.40. Terrorism, my ass.


GunRights4US said...

Ya know... the Hitler Youth are doing what you expect Hitler Youth to do. It's the sheep who go along with this - while masquerading as "patriotic Americans" - that pisses me off. What the hell WON'T Americans stand for!

MamaLiberty said...

Trust me, GunRights4US - there are still large parts of this country where something like this would NOT be - and is not tolerated.

Come visit NE Wyoming some time. I'll show you around. :)

The Grey Lady said...

Just when was the last incident on a bus or a train? Oh wait here in canerder we had a gentleman decapitate another and the RCMP waited outside the bus for him to finish snacking on the ears/ nose before he surrendered himself.

Ya know it is pretty clear that the "terrorists" won a loooong time ago.

Mayberry said...

I think I sprained an eye while rolling it. The clowns deserve what they get. Heh, that "Larry the Cable Guy" lookin' dude is happy that he "won't get blown up". What a freakin' moron...

Anonymous said...

Did the guy at :40 say they were looking for "ball cache smuggling?" Or was it "all cash smuggling?" Either way it's creepy.