Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sorry for the no post thing...

Very, very cold this morning; I went into the scriptorium long enough to read my emails, then spent quite a while trying to get feeling back in my fingers. This afternoon after shit-shoveling I answered a call from another neighbor who may have another long-term gig that will, if it works out, get my weekly income up near three whole figures. That seemed a worthy cause, so that's where I went. With all the cold I'm counting the molecules in the propane bottles, and have been fretting that at the current level of expenditure I make just about enough money to pay for propane and nothing else. Once again, great timing. So Joel's a happy camper.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Joel. I hope the new gig works out -- and that it's more pleasant than shit-shoveling. Keep us posted.

Big Wooly said...

Maybe you should talk to Claire about making Firestarters for her...

Claire said...

Big Wooly, that might be a good idea. :-) I'm about to start my first trial batch today.

Joel said...

Even if that doesn't work out, I suspect Claire can find a good supply a lot closer than me.