Thursday, April 14, 2011

Become a hero to the Homeland! Get paid big bux!

All you gotta do is sell out your boss.

Yeah, this is the way I want MY government to encourage people to treat each other.
Recently, a small town accountant tipped off the IRS that his employer was shorting the government on taxes. He was rewarded with a big fat check for $4.5 million (minus a 28% federal tax withholding, of course).


US Senator Chuck Grassley, a key sponsor of the 2006 bill that beefed up the IRS Whistleblower Program, couldn’t be happier: “It ought to encourage a lot of other people to squeal,” said Grassley when commenting on the case.
Land of the free, home of the Stazi? Please not while I'm alive.

The writer makes an excellent point:
Long-time politicians like Grassley who have been in the nucleus of power for so long are exactly the sort of people who are responsible for decades of mismanagement and horrendous fiscal decision-making. And now, after running the government into the ground, what is their solution?

Turn people against each other. Breed mistrust. Incentivize suspicion. Reward cannibalistic witch hunts. George Orwell couldn’t have scripted it better.
Yet why shouldn't they think it works? People keep voting them back in.

1 comment:

Joe in Reno said...

And yet this is the same Grassely reaming the the batfeces over the gunwalker crimes.

Wierd world ain't it.