And also one reason* why I refuse to have anything to do with them. Left wing - right wing: Same stinking carrion bird in between.
But Nancy seems to think we'd all be better off without those annoying elections.
Elections would be okay with her, if only we all had "shared values" - which I take to mean that everybody outside the camps claims to agree with Nancy. It's all those horrid people who disagree with her who screw things up.
Personally I think we'd all be better off without Pelosi around to tell us what to do, but since it seems impossible to vote her out of office - and even if Californians did they'd only get another one who looks just like her (gag) - then I really don't know what she's bitching about, wanting to further downplay the importance of elections. As if they matter at all now.
H/T to Mayberry's New Site.
*"Government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advance auction in stolen goods." - H.L. Mencken, and that ain't ever gonna change even if we could get rid of Nancy and her ilk.
Friday, March 14, 2025, News and Commentary
37 minutes ago
Personally, I think we'd be better off without all 534 of the rest of the CONgress cockroaches as well. Okay, 533 because Ron Paul seems to be genuine. At least his voting record is consistently pro-Liberty... As to the Wicked Witch of the West, there is a nice hot sauna reserved for her hideous carcass in hell. At least it's nice to think so...
One person, one vote, one time. Also known as the thrid world model. Worked great for Mubarak, Gadaffi, Mugabe, Chavez etc.
If the federal government held to its enumerated powers under an original-public-meaning reading of the Constitution, elections wouldn't mean near as much as they do.
Somehow, though, I doubt that's what Madame Chiang had in mind....
I also doubt that very much, Ken.
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