I'm not saying this video perfectly reflects my views on the topic - it is possible to dump a rucksack faster and less comically than this guy does. But I do sometimes wonder about the efficacy of carrying around all that gear all the time. Either view can be taken to extremes, and here's one.
(Note - NSFW Language)
H/T to Sipsey Street.
Today in History...
5 minutes ago
I guess his model of Ruck did not come with quick release straps. If you are lying prone and trying to remove a rucksack those quick release buckles make it a lot easier.
That's funny. I really want to beleive that this is mostly the result of his buddies giving him a hard time, but...it's the fuckin' army.
WV: MOUTS. Now there's an environment you don't wanna be hazing eachother in...
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