Saturday, July 16, 2011

...And in the epic budget battle between republicans and democrats...

...The Omnipotent State wins!

Yeah, I'm shocked. Shocked! How could the heroic republicans, in whom we had all placed our last, uncritical trust...act like exactly what they are?
Reporting from Washington—
Republican leaders in the House have begun to prepare their troops for politically painful votes to raise the nation's debt limit, offering warnings and concessions to move the hard-line majority toward a compromise that would avert a federal default.
I am reminded of the tale of a virtuous young woman whose "Don't! Stop!" will always become "Don't stop" before it's necessary to take heed of the discouraging plea. In the next political era, the peace-loving democrats will quibble but in the end reluctantly allow themselves to vote for invading Siam, or whatever the hell lunacy the next administration comes up with. Assuming the Dollar survives long enough for there to be a next administration, or a next invasion. Those military contract don't pay themselves, you know.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I already invaded Siam. The hospitality was most warm.
It would be a shame to have democrats....or republicans damage all my hard.....hard I tell you....hard won good will through horizontal negotiations by military force or even by being there themselves at all showing the world what asses all politicians are.

That said I don't count on there being another administration in a couple years. At least not one that administrates anything like an economy.
I frankly hope to be firmly planted planting yams while my trusty water buffalo grazes nearby in the country I decided to invade last.
Cuz this one is looking a bit shaky. This debt ceiling bullshit just prolongs the inevitable.
