It's summer in the desert. Also the Monsoon has well and truly begun. All that means if you want to get some hard work done you'd better get it done in the morning before it gets too hot and/or stormy. So I was out at the Lair site at 5:30, because I've got a lot of backfilling to do and the tractor can't help with this.
The fittings on the septic barrels are all glued in place. My first attempt at this, with 2-part epoxy, ended ignominiously the first time I left the barrels in the sun. Silicone sealer seems to work a lot better, but until I get them fully buried I'm still covering them with a tarp to try and keep the direct sun off the joints. There wasn't any trouble with the glue this morning, so that seems to be working. I had to chase one small leak when I tested it, but that wasn't because of any melting.
Big holes - lots of dirt. I got a lot done this morning, and hopefully will finish the pit, at least, by sometime this weekend. The trench from the cabin to the pit is filled, except for one part where I need to dig ANOTHER trench for run-off from the gully behind the cabin.
My leg has been improving, but all this digging isn't helping with that. Now I hurt very much and am gonna peel off my leg and try to give the sore a break.
Ignore this if I'm being too personal, but my curiosity has got the better of me. How exactly DOES a one-legged man dig? Assume prosthesis planted & live leg on shovel, yes?
Pretty much the other way around. I have no muscular control over my calf or ankle, and no toes at all on that side, so one thing I simply can't do is balance on my prosthesis. If I have to stand on one foot, it must be the meat one. Fortunately I have just enough force in my hip and thigh to be able to push a shovel with my prosthesis as long as the surface isn't too hard. Alternately, I balance the shovel and jump on it with both feet.
Wow, that's impressive. Where there's a will, there's a way, eh? Thanks for the reply.
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