Monday, October 24, 2011

Check out the irony on this one.

Officials Use Ruse At Wolcott High To Clear Halls For Drug Search
School officials told me it was a routine lockdown drill, the kind that schools are required to do.

"We wanted to practice,'' said Superintendent of Schools Joseph McCary. "We said there was a lockdown with an intruder inside. Doors are locked, shades are drawn and the lights are turned off and students are told to move to a corner of the room."

"After 10 minutes we say this is a drill and at that point we started a search for drugs,'' McCary said. "We are providing a safe and secure nurturing environment."
You lie to them. You scare the crap out of them. You search their stuff with dogs, like the school is a prison. This is "nurturing?"

Mr. McCary, maybe you should try being "abusive" for a while.

ETA: A belated welcome to visitors from The War on Guns! Take your shoes off & set a spell.


Kevin Wilmeth said...

"School officials told me it was a routine lockdown drill, the kind that schools are required to do."

The phrase routine lockdown drill has no meaning unless you live in a police state.

No meaning at all.

Jeffersonian said...

From the click-through: "Young people will learn not to trust the police."

So the exercise wasn't completely without benefit.

Carl-Bear said...

OK, so the phrase "do it for the children" is officially obsolete now.

Do it to the children.

I feel so old. We just had the occasional atomic bomb attack drill, but never a single "routine lockdown drill".

joe in reno said...

"We are providing a safe and secure nurturing environment."

I think this is leftist speak for "the cops didn't torture or kill any of them"

Joel said...

I'm kind of waiting for a situation like this in which the cops forget themselves and reflexively shoot their own dogs, since there aren't any "civilian" dogs around to shoot.

And I remember drills in school - "civil defense" and fire drills - and nobody ever seemed to feel the need to lie to us about it. "This is a drill" doesn't seem to mess up the exercise all that much.

parabarbarian said...

Look on the bright side. The students know they were lied to and a percentage may figure out that lying is normal behavior for bureaucrats.

Anonymous said...

While you are correct you ignore the very real threat to our children that drugs represent.

Carl-Bear said...

You're absolutely right, Anon. I see baggies of a weed that grows wild across most of the continent running amok through schools with guns all the time. Oh, wait... those were the cops looking for ditchweed.

If drugs are so inherently dangerous, I wonder how I have survived so so long. Could be my parents taught me to make rational decisions about drugs.

Jeffersonian said...

Yeah Anon, because Prohibition worked sooo well in the 1920s, we should do it again, HARDER!

gooch said...

Come on Jeffersonian.
Prohibition worked pretty darned good in retrospect.

We got a huge booming black market run by large organized crime syndicates and mountains of cash to spend on the politician of the week.

Plus, since prohibition has Never worked, we still got to have our hooch only now it was a "stolen pleasure" and all that much more exciting.

You're just not playing the game on the money side.

He turns away and says ... Psssstt! Hey Kid ... wanna buy some Liberty? I've got a little bit of that Liberty stuff left if you want it?