Monday, October 3, 2011

I've borne witness to discussions not very much less silly than this.


Carl-Bear said...

Just possibly... the words "healthy discourse" were never spoken with greater irony.

In point of fact, I've witnessed discussions even sillier by those who thought they were being serious. Sadly, those people, who most need to get the joke, won't.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has encountered Gunkid has witnessed something beyond sillier but yet uttered in ernest.


Joel said...

Okay, touche'. Gunkid could take that seriously - but only if you added peanut butter. In a can.

Anonymous said...

Joel said...
"Okay, touche'. Gunkid could take that seriously - but only if you added peanut butter. In a can."

In a wheel barrow with a solid rubber tire and 'bricks' of .22 to cushion the PB.

stay safe,

who ducks back under his new improved tinfoil hat/shield combination. [patent pending]

MamaLiberty said...

Oh, that was funny. :)