Fired up the blog this morning to find that the posting interface had completely changed to something more reminiscent of Wordpress. I don't find Wordpress's interface an improvement, frankly, but I didn't have a strong opinion on the matter until I previewed my post and found that all my paragraph breaks were gone. I like to compose on the HTML window, and for some reason the NEW! IMPROVED! HTML window doesn't see a reason for para breaks. You can see them right there, but they're not actually there.
I hate Blogger. Used to be I only found it annoying and it would still be so IF THEY'D JUST STOP "IMPROVING" IT!
That was then, and this is now
1 hour ago
Yep, they shit the bed this time. I still have a Wordpress site from years ago, I might have to dust it off and hook up some jumper cables....
Here's what's weird: I've seen other people gripe about the new para-break issue, so I know it isn't just something peculiar to you. BUT...
I run two separate Blogger blogs, and this hasn't cropped up on either of them yet.
Maybe it's just something they're slowly applying over multiple servers, and haven't gotten to me yet.
Aaaaand... they've finally hit me.
Holy Bog, who do they get to beta test this crap?
I looked at blog software in 2003, when I was setting up for The Price of Liberty. It was so confusing that I did it the hard way... html editor, FTP and a regular website. I was hoping that blogware was improved enough for me to migrate to that now...
Guess not.
The old Blogger HTML window wasn't really a pure HTML window, as I found out when I had to do pure HTML work for the first time. :(
At least I have to do it the hard way at both S.W.A.T. and Blogger, now.
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