Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Further exciting adventures in digging...

So two days ago I wiped out the big stock gate of my closest neighbor (and very best customer) by essentially bashing it repeatedly with a big backhoe. This did not go unnoticed.

To say I was anxious to make good the damage would be a wild understatement. So I dug out the broken stub of the gatepost, along with its heartbreakingly massive concrete plug. Then I supplied a new (used) gatepost from my own stash and two sacks of concrete (from Landlady's) and reset the post. Did that right away.

Yesterday morning, after the concrete had a chance to set, I came back and together we re-hung the big gate. He seemed happy with that, but you know a repair like that is never quite as good as it was before the act of destruction and I really didn't want him thinking of me every time the thing creaked or sagged or was harder to roll than before. I did tell him that if further repairs were needed I would do whatever possible to make it good, but he's aware I have virtually no money and may not be capable of truly keeping that pledge.

Spent yesterday evening brooding about it. Yeah, the gate's back up and seems to work just fine. But it wasn't enough. I still felt a debt, even if he says he doesn't.

So this morning when I went back for shit-shoveling, I brought the Jeep's trailer. There was a big pile of concrete rubble on his plaza, made far worse when a couple of years ago a cement truck driver chose that spot to clean out his drum. I know for a fact that pile of crap has bugged J ever since, because he's mentioned it several times. Two hours later I found the answer to the question, "What would happen if you completely filled the trailer with concrete chunks and tried to drive away with it?"

The answer is, "Landlady's Jeep will apparently pull anything." The brakes noticed the load, but the engine didn't seem to. I knew where there's this big hole that needs filling...

J seems happier now. My back hurts, but I'll probably sleep better.


Stephen said...

You're a good man, Joel. Well done.

Anonymous said...

It weighs heavy on the heart to be in debt to someone.
You did good.
Miss Violet

Claire said...

Yep. Done good, Joel. You are (and were) a good neighbor.

mizdeb said...


MamaLiberty said...

We are always our own worst critic. I'm the only one I can't ever get to shut up and leave me alone. :)

To thine own self be true...

You are true blue.

Plug Nickel Outfit said...

You'd be welcome to come over to our place and knock over a gatepost or two any time you'd like!
