Sunday, December 14, 2008

My New Paladin Press Book (Chapter)

So my landlady showed up yesterday afternoon, bearing coffee and mail! I never get mail. I mean, I get so little mail I don't even have a mailbox. I rarely get E-mail. So imagine my surprise when she brings me not one, but two packages. One is from the publisher of my first writing gig in over a decade (I used to do a lot of this sort of thing, but gave it up because the time/money ratio is...well, it sucks.) But just for laughs I recently got myself roped into an article for a new Paladin Press compilation. Dig this title. You sitting down? Here we go:

The Paladin Book of Dangerously Fun Stuff For Boys Who Never Really Grew Up

Normally for a title that long you need an economics tract, and even then there's a hyphen and most of it is subtitle. But yeah, my chapter is "Constructing Simple Homemade Rockets."

This was the first job I ever did for Paladin, and I have to say they're a joy to work for. They pay promptly, which is good enough in itself. But they also sent me a copy of the book, which nobody ever did for any of my other work-for-hire gigs. That's pretty handsome of them.

I've only scanned it so far (It's a big book) but it looks like a whole bunch of good dirty fun. Check it out if you're into that sort of thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SWEET!!! Congrats, Joel! What a kick in the pants to get paid (in money and with a copy) doing something enjoyable and a little wild! >:-}
