I'm reading a lot of angst from my freedomista friends about the coronation of The Anointed One. You know the line - he's a socialist, he's an uber-gungrabber. Basically, the consensus is that he's the antichrist. Off my intended topic a bit, it's a sure bet that Obama-skeptics will be labeled racists, but his race never comes up; it's his record and his stated philosophy that scares hell out of people in my social circles.
I was thinking about this while out with the dogs this morning. It's funny that the one single president freedom-seekers haven't greeted with dread in the past twenty years turned out to be the one who did the most substantial damage to American liberty. I mean think about it - Bush the First was this awful Yalie millionaire Skill & Bones Washington insider; he'd been around since Eisenhower. He was in Congress, the UN, the CIA, the CFR. He was in bed with the oil companies. We hated him. As a president he wasn't exactly our dream date, but neither was he FDR. No, that's what we expected of...
Bill Clinton, the Hillbilly from Hope, whom we regarded as a veritable marionette of the evil Hillary! - of whose nicknames in those days none whatsoever were printable. And at first they gave it the old college try - I remember all the sturm und drang over socialized medicine, to be ushered in by "the smartest woman in America." After that, though, they settled down to two terms of a constant battle to save themselves from political oblivion. It's amusing that the thing that came closest to bringing Slick Willy down was the one thing I could never bring myself to hate him for. I mean, c'mon. Blowjobs? Wacky fun! I remember, though, how absolutely outraged I was at that man for dropping cruise missiles on innocent people, just to get his damned hearings out of a single day's news cycle. That was murder, pure and simple, and didn't even have a fig leaf of justification. But he was never called on it.
When Bush the Younger came around, though - admit it, the only thing we cared about Bush II was that he wasn't Clinton and he wasn't Gore. I know lots of otherwise perfectly rational people who voted for him, just because he wasn't Gore. The damage that man has done is too recent and too painful to need recital here. Hell, the only good thing about him was that the man himself was so easy to laugh at. But nobody laughed at his deeds: The "Patriot" act, prophylactic war, the War on a tactic, an infinity of signing statements, open torture, TSA, DHS, pissing on Habeas Corpus and Posse Comitatus, ... if he'd only held televised virgin sacrifices to Cthulu his record would be perfect.
No freedom-loving person could ever really welcome an incoming president. But Bush was the one we weren't very worried about - not really, not back in 2000. He was such a nonentity. And look how it turned out.
So you know, I just can't get worked up about The Anointed One. I don't know how it's going to go. And to be truthful I don't even really care any more. The idiots who voted for this guy deserve whatever fate he and his minions heap on them. I just wish it weren't going to hurt the rest of us as well. Seriously, except for snarking from afar I refuse to get involved. I'm gonna sit right here, keep my head down, work on my preps and my fitness, and keep this place ready for the day when the gulchers who know where it is need it. That day's coming, I'm more sure of it than ever. But if Obama manages to bring it about, he's standing on the shoulders of giants. Twisted, twisted giants.
Meme Dump...
31 minutes ago
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