Sunday, March 1, 2009

Summer seems to have arrived!

I don't know what the actual temperature is, because an outside thermometer remains on the "really must remember to buy one of these" list. But it's got to be pushing eighty today. High, wispy clouds, hardly any wind at all...geez, if the weather was like this every day I'd be up to my armpits in Californians.

For once the boys aren't bothering me with "Uncle Joel, let's go for a walk!" "Uncle Joel, Fritz is touching my side of the bed!" "Uncle Joel, turn the thermostat up!" No, now it's more like, "Uncle Joel, don't make so much noise."

The weather has been freakishly nice for a freakishly long time, with the exception of some wind. Fritz has started to drop his undercoat; for once I get more hair from him than I do from Magnus when I brush them.

I brought some shingles from the city last weekend, and today I'm working on improving the awning I made for the generator. A perfect time of it, since the wind will get to be more and more a fact of life as the year proceeds. Also I'm not fooled: The winter is not over, it's just waiting for me to relax. I've still much to learn about living here, but even I know that much.


Anonymous said...

Must be 80 Joel? I'm dreaming for those days ahead. MINUS 32 today, sucks to be a Canuck some days, still two more months of parkas, mitts, cunning hats and boots.

Joel said...

Oh, dear. I do feel for you. On mornings when I'm shivering through temperatures merely in the teens, just because I don't have the precautions against cold that were elementary when I was a boy up north, I do think about how in early March I would be so very sick of dressing like an astronaut just to go get the damned mail out of the box.

It's one of the reasons I chose to settle here instead of some other, more northerly, state that has gathered greater numbers of the more outspoken freedomistas. It's too freaking cold there!