- Walky Time.
- Empty trailer of M's *&^%! concrete.
- Run hose, get build site cistern filling barrels for *&^%! concrete.
- Figure out how much more lumber I need to frame the lair's walls - conclusion: A lot.
- When W goes to town, get him to buy new screen for screen door, damaged when Beauty tried to eat Click.
- Figure out if the reason the generator's circuit breaker keeps popping is a weak circuit breaker - conclusion: Apparently not.
- Figure out why Click has decided to shit exclusively indoors - conclusion: Damaged cat door.
- Fill the cistern.
- Water the trees.
- Fill the cistern.
- Find Little Bear - conclusion: LB has decided he's big enough to leave the property alone.
- Explain to Little Bear that he is not, in fact, big enough etc.
- Find Little Bear.
- Discipline Beauty for trying to kill D&L's psychotic puppy, whether or not he deserved it.
- Find Beauty.
- Laundry.
- Fix screen door - for approximately the 4,936th time.
- Fill water jugs.
- Empty black water tank.
- Replace broken black water tank valve.
- Bathe. Bathe again.
- Attempt to fix cat door - conclusion: Plastic breaks real good.
- Replace cat door, apparently damaged beyond repair by simultaneous entry of cat and large rabbit.
- Feed Click to Beauty.
- Snacky Time.
- Find Little Bear.
- Eat breakfast.
- Seek serenity in life.
Meme Dump...
42 minutes ago
"Feed Click to Beauty."
You did NOT!
Here's hoping life is as sweet as your list is long.
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