Alternate Title: Guys, seriously, what part of "HERMIT" don't you understand?
At one point this morning I counted no less than nine functioning vehicles here. That doesn't count two non-working Jeeps and trailers. Nine. And ten people. We had a couple of neighbors drop by who have never spontaneously "dropped by" during my entire tenure here. We had a dinner party, fergoshsake. Actually, that was kinda fun.
Okay: The two stakeholders who came two months ago have settled in, and I have settled down to enjoying having them around. This weekend two MORE stakeholders came, and Landlady came to greet them and for her regular monthly. And yes of course the new folks have a dog. And yes of course Magnus' first item of business was to beat the shit out of her, and yeah, that got the weekend off to a great start. Thanks, Magnus. They just finish moving away from everything they know, moving clear across the country in a ginormous U-haul with a carry trailer for their SUV, AND they had mechanical troubles, AND he found out halfway here that the new job he thought he had nailed down had developed a hitch, so naturally they're a couple of nervous wrecks, and then Magnus greets them by beating the shit etc. Ah, great.
So that was Friday. They still had all these details to work out, and they all had to be worked out in time to move the ginormous U-haul and trailer to a town about four hours away, find a place for him to stay so he could start his new job, get the truck unloaded, all in time to turn it in by Monday morning. Not gonna happen. They decided, wisely, to find a storage unit in our little town to dump their stuff until they got all the other details worked out, because getting all done by Monday morning was simply impossible.
Lovely dinner party last night with all the stakeholders and S&L. Worked on beginning the stucco on the powershed, mostly just so some new infrastructure work could get started over the Landlady weekend because that's what we do. Now Landlady and the new stakeholders are off on their separate trajectories, I've promised to build a power cable for the new guys' temporary lair, M and W are off visiting the unusual drop-in neighbors ("Ya wanna go with, Joel?" "Oh, HELL no!") and I've got a few minutes of quiet. At the moment that tent in the boonies is looking pretty damned good, but I know I'll get over it; I have before.
Meme Dump...
4 hours ago
Sorry about that. Problem fixed.
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