It appears that some guy in Austin just flew his plane into an IRS-occupied building. He left a rambling suicide note on some web site.
It appears only the suicide pilot was killed. There goes civil aviation, what do you want to bet?
Enjoying Black Powder Episode 8: Mauser 71/84
2 hours ago
Yeah, this story will "be discovered" in the same way people "are disappeared". That's about the only thing we can count on.
Why? Simple. The sheer quantity of political potential therein.
Maybe it will be civil aviation, maybe it will be the Tea Party travelling circus, maybe it will be something else. But it'll damn sure be something. You can hear 'em licking their chops already.
Personally, I almost hope it is civil aviation. If there's anything that might wake up the entirety of the people of Alaska, it just might be that.
I guess we'll see. Sticking with Condition Yellow.
condition yellow it is.
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