Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Up! Against! The Wall!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Okay, first thing:

You know how yesterday I thought I'd miscounted how many bond-beam blocks I needed by one? Well, I was wrong not completely right about that. I found one this morning that had gotten wrapped up in the tarp covering the concrete sacks. So my count...was...perfect.

Wish I could say the same about the concrete count. I had to order 15 more bags for the final tier.

But with the exception of that final tier, the wall is now complete. My right arm is miraculously almost back to normal this morning, W kindly pitched in, and we kicked out this phase I really wasn't looking forward to in a mere three solid hours, and used all but one sack of concrete doing it. This wall's got a lot of concrete in it. But all I need to do now is cut off some rebar, which is actually fun because I loves me some fire, stack the final line of blocks, and do about half the fill work we did today. And the wall will be done! Not exactly far ahead of schedule, but at least not behind it.

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