So! What'll it be, citizens?
You can have Boot-On-Your-Neck Party Candidate A, and bravely stay the course.
Or! Revolution! Boot-On-Your Neck Party Candidate B!
Remember! If you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain!
ETA: Kevin Wilmeth's How to Vote on Election Day.
Lucky Break
10 hours ago
My guess is that Jed in Florida brought the truth of that Diebold poster full force.....
I confess I still vote,for this I feel deep shame. It's not so much that I believe that my little vote will change anything except perhaps to get someone who will crawl sloooooower on me and mine, our piddling rights and our walletts. As I said I do feel shame that I participate in the sham. Shame for the sham..
What happens if you open carry your firearm to the polling place?
Depends on what else you are wearing!
I open carried my nice little SP101 .357 into the polling place, just as I always do - unless I happen to be carrying the XD .45, of course.
I voted against a 1 cent increase in the county sales tax. Then I left. Nobody seemed to notice the gun. They never do here in NE Wyoming.
I'm with George Carlin, if you DO vote you have no right to complain. You're the one that voted the crooks in!
Well, I can say I declined to cast a ballot in two rezoning issues in my city, reasoning that it's no business of mine to tell other people how to use their property. There weren't any tax issues to vote against in self-defense this time around. I did, Heaven help me, vote to delenda some incumbents, and I voted against the empty-suit gun-grabbing statist (ungentlemanly expletive deleted) Mike DeWine, who got steered the Ohio AG GOP nomination by his cousin. Nice work, if you can get it.
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