Saturday, April 16, 2011

The desert contains, among other things...

...a very great deal of dirt. I feel like I've dug it all up, and am wearing quite a bit of what I dug. And I'm only half done. I've barely begun hauling horse shit. I've said it before and I'll say it again, those are some awfully big holes for planting apple trees in.

The good news is that as long as I don't let it run out of fuel, Gulchendiggensmoothen is handling all this with aplomb. Since M brought it home last autumn, this is the longest it's run without breakdown. I'm hoping we've got past the Old Tractor Blues and will get some mileage out of it now.


The Grey Lady said...

You forgot to "knock wood", bad juju tempting the Gulchendiggensmoothen fates like that.

LJH said...

I wouldn't be calling Gulchendiggensmoothen 'old'. Maybe 'seasoned' or 'advanced in hours'. Machines have feelings, y'know. You piss him off & you'll be wearing hydraulic oil for sunscreen.