...hasn't seen a professional news editor at work.
Let's play "Spot the Lies."
Are all Chicago newsies this dishonest? Are all Chicago viewers this stupid?
H/T to Black Sunday.
Enjoying Black Powder Episode 8: Mauser 71/84
2 hours ago
mmm...Gummi Venus de Milo...
Landlady will get that reference without even having to look it up. Which I definitely had to do.
Were it so easy to get one with the giggle switch.
Oh, and the money to buy the ammo to feed it too.
I see a little potential for fun here. Traver is, after all, the clown the Administration wants to install as the new BATFE Director. Those inclined might want to send a letter like the following to thei senatorial scumsuckers. I probably will; not because I have any faith that they'd do the right thing -- it being Cop-sucker Ayotte and Socialist Shaheen in my case -- but because it's just fun watching them twist and squirm.
Traver is being suggested as the new BATFE Director. I think that appointement would be a grave mistake. Please review the linked news video for a demonstration of Mr. Traver's... firearms _expertise_.
Note that Mr. Traver is unable to differentiate between a full automatic firearm and semiautomatic fire (something rather clear to any kid who watches war movies). He is unable to distinguish between a full-auto AK-47 assault rifle (note that there is a formal definition of "assault rifle" that only includes full-auto weaponry) and semi-automatic rifles such as a common WASR-10.
His range demonstration of firearms is frightening. He gives a reporter a rifle and tells her it is an "assault weapon" (by definition as semiautomatic weapon), when it actually fully automatic. As a result, the reporter loses control of the rifle and randomly sprays bullets around the range. Traver failed to even show the poor woman how to hold a rifle. Traver's incompetence resulted in multiple violations of basic firearms safety rules which could have killed someone.
Traver's demonstrated "knowledge" of ballistics, as portrayed in this news report, is considerably less than one would expect in an experienced field agent being considered as the head of an agency that specializes in ballistics. He espresses dismay that a ballistic vest specifically rated for protection against small pistol fire is defeated by rifle fire, clearly unaware of the difference in power levels. He refers to the 7.62x39 round as high power, when it is in fact rather low powered for a rifle being very similar in ballistics to the venerable .30-30 Winchester deer rifle round.
Surely a man who has learned so little in all his reputed years of experience is not suitable for an important role like the Director of the BATFE. Surely a man with such poor judgement, as demonstrated in this recorded video on the range, should not be in a decision making position in the Bureau. One might even wonder if a man with no knowledge or regard for firearms safety should be carrying a gun and badge at all.
(your name here)
I'm confused.
The first part of the vid has an BATFE agent making nice tight little groups.
Then the lady reporter said that these guns were impossible to control while using the poorest shooting form I've ever seen.
Whats real?
Who can we trust?
Who can we trust?
Well, not either of these folks. At least we know that much.
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