SCARED OF FREEDOMPeople who fetishize the constitution won't enjoy this essay. I urge them to read it anyway - and to please at least think about it. It can't hurt you.
There are a lot of people who consider themselves freedom advocates, who, with righteous zeal and indignation, vehemently rail against the injustice, corruption and oppression "government" continually spews forth. However, many of those same people, when they hear someone suggesting life without the monstrosity called "government," will immediately go into turbo-backpedal mode, insisting that some "government" is needed, that we need to work to fix the system, and that we need a good "government," that just does good stuff, and protects us, and so on.
The situation is a lot like a battered spouse, who is given the opportunity to escape her abuser, but who insists that she can't leave, that he really loves her, that she needs him, that the relationship can be fixed. Such a response shows that, as much as the abuser is a nasty scumbag, there is also a serious problem in the mind of his victim, which enables the abuse to continue.
Enjoying Black Powder Episode 8: Mauser 71/84
2 hours ago
Goes along the lines of my post today, and others. Methinks there's a further awakening in progress...
I met Larken. He's a down-to-earth, humble man. He happens to be dead-on 99% of the time, too. I HIGHLY recommend his book "The Iron Web."
This is one of his best... from a long list of great ones.
I'd like to try this No Government concept out for 4 to 8 years.
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