Balko asks the right question...
Why is Rick Perry the Poster Boy for Limited Government?
Seriously, I hear this asshat's praises sung every time I turn on the Intertubez. Did he do something heroically antigovernment one time, and I just missed it? Because he sure seems like the republican version of more of the same to me. Is it the hair? Is the hair really mesmerizing or something? It just looks like political hair, but maybe it's special in person.
Mayberry's taken a closer look at him than I have, and seems equally unimpressed.
Tab Clearing...
1 hour ago
He's done nothing more than try to give away a huge swath of land to foreign companies for the "Trans Texas Corridor" as part of the "NAFTA Super Highway", provide lots of corporate welfare, and pay lip service to "states' rights" to appease the tea party crowd. He's just another corporate shill.
Meanwhile, he has Texas poised to implement "Real ID". Via him and the Lt. Gov, the Anti TSA groping bill died, in spite of massive public support. He tried to make cervical cancer vaccine mandatory for school registration. And many other invasions on our rights. He's as pro-big government as they come, and is a big spender, just like every other politician...
But he has "good hair" .... {rolls eyes}
Whenever he speaks I envision a Chihuahua yapping from his "Mommies" over-sized purse. [Mommy in this case would be Big Gov]
Yep Big Gov shill all the way to the only bone in his body.
[PG-13 rules forbids my naming said "only bone" but I'm sure those over 18 will have no problem with the image.]
from Takes-A$$
If you loved George Bush, you will just fall all over yourself for Rick Perry. Best part, he was a democrat until he realized his election prospects were better calling himself a republican. He has run Texas into the ground, not it's time for him to try to take it national.
Every now and again he throws a bone to the wookie-suiters (getting behind the bill to make TSA screeners guilty of sexual assault in TX, getting behind legislation to nullify the incandescent bulb ban in TX, saying that he didn't have a problem with NY's gay marriage law because that should be up to the states) but it always smacks a bit too much of political theater.
Would he be better than GWB? Sure. But that's damning with really faint praise.
I might have been convinced to vote for him on the theory that, if we could get someone in office who was only as bad as Reagan for four or eight years, I might still get to die in my PJs in bed instead of behind the wire someplace or in a foxhole with a colander on my face, but his latest round of cozying up to the god-botherers pretty much put me off my feed for good.
Barring a miracle, looks like I'll be voting wookie again in 2012.
WV: "unmarids" As in "In Rick Perry's Texas, gay folk will have to remain among the unmarids."
Everyone has their own view of Perry.
He has his Democrat roots that colors his views of what .GOV is for.
He's a politician that knows how Democrats and can win against them.
I'd vote for him over most of the current Republican crop right now, but that being said- I could probably be convinced to vote for Joel over most of the current Republican wannabees, too.
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