Friday, August 26, 2011

No thank you, Mr. Nagin. I think people will be happier if they work it out on their own.

Hurricane Irene advice offered by former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin

I did not make that up.

H/T to Unc.


Brass said...


I got your advice right here: everyone make sure you're armed to the teeth. And don't listen to anyone who tells you to surrender them.

Carl-Bear said...

I had to follow the link to convince myself that wasn't an Onion story.

I feel sorry for the Onion. Ever since reality jumped the shark, satire has become almost meaningless.

MamaLiberty said...

Well, not exactly meaningless, Carl... but certainly a lot harder to identify sometimes. :)

Anonymous said...

Seems to follow the model of those as can do and those as can't teach.
