It's been a good summer for the mice. Which is to say, of course, it's been a bad summer for people who don't especially appreciate the virtues of mice. Click has taken this opportunity to go on some sort of predator sabbatical, or she's joined the Franciscans or something, I don't know, but she's not killing mice with anything like her normal gory abandon. So they're basically everywhere.
People who know me, know that I'm not an ... obsessively clean person. I live in an environment that's more-or-less literally made of dirt. The dirt gets everywhere, and I don't get worked up over it. But I do like my sheets and shirts clean, or at least not actively gritty, so I do wash laundry. Also I'm an amputee, which for various reasons keeps me honest, laundry-wise. And it's Monsoon, which means I need to wash clothes and get them hung out early, because hanging clothes to dry in the afternoon is just poking Murphy in the eye. Which is why I was doing laundry this morning, before shit-shoveling. And the cycle ended, and I pulled the clothes out of the tub, and what should I find at the bottom but a very wet, very dead mouse.
Even by my standards, that was fairly gross. So I removed the cadaver and started the load over. Which is making me late. Which is making me mad, because I've got a lot to do today.
Tab Clearing...
1 hour ago
Well, at least it was a very clean, very wet, very dead mouse.
Stop feeding the cat. She'll kill.
You said the cat was killing larger things to feed to the dog. That could have something to do with it. Outside of animal psychotherapy, I think that might be a dead end. sigh
But you can get rid of a LOT of mice without waiting on the cat. I got rid of lots and lots of them in my barn when the coyotes wouldn't let me keep more than one or two cats at a time in the canyon country. It also works for gophers, or any such varmint that likes sweet grain.
Get some plaster of paris or drywall glue/powder. (I forget what it's called) but it needs to set up like the plaster. Get some sticky sweet horse/cow feed. Mix 1 part plaster to 4 or 5 parts feed. Set out in small amounts where mice are noticed. I used egg cartons or butter tubs with the tops cut in an X so cats and birds couldn't get the grain. Only mix a little at a time.
The mice (rats or other rodents you don't want) will eat it and the plaster sets up in their gut. The mice die very quickly. But the best part is that if the cat or dog gets the dead critter afterwards, it won't hurt them at all.
Might give it a try. :)
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