Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Little Bear found a way to keep himself entertained...

Landlady spent all weekend cleaning up the Big Doghouse, preparatory to converting it to a chicken coop. She hauled out a whole bunch of accumulated garbage, pulled up half the pallet-based "floor," strung track lights. Left things very neat.

Maybe it was something about the "neatness" part that offended Little Bear...

Step One: Scent rodent intruder. Step Two: Dig under floor to find intruder. Step Three (if required) remove wooden obstacles to proper hole.


Clearly Ghost isn't above getting in on the action, his idiot nephew having done all the hard work...

For the first time in his life LB didn't even want to come out of Gitmo today. He had unfinished business. And I've got a bunch of shoveling to do before I can put them back in.

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