Thursday, October 13, 2011

Yeah, like you need more...

Reasons to be Glad You Don't Live in California!

I heard about (and kinda/sorta predicted) the Empty OC Ban. I heard (and blogged) about the Fourth Amendment Ban. I completely missed the "long gun registry."

Must say, though, that the logic is impeccable - by Moonbeam standards...
“Since the state already retains handgun purchaser information, I see no reason why the state should not also retain information pertaining to the sales of long guns.”
Oh, the sins that have been committed in the name of that dialectic. Since there's already one in a hundred Californians in prison, I see no reason why the state shouldn't imprison them all. More that it already does, that is.

1 comment:

Brass said...

If they're in California, they're in prison.