Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another Morning, Another Walkie Time...

On the tamer walks, Butch likes to tag along. It's about the only time he gets along with the boys, and even that only within limits. Mighty Cat!

And into the wash we go, for there are so many fascinating things to smell!

I'm faster than you are! Actually he's faster than anybody is, and everyone knows it. He's constantly disgruntled that nobody will race him.

Butch doesn't care too much for the wash - too open, I guess. He mostly slopes around the edge and stays in the brush.

Lining up for another exciting game of Whack-a-Joel. Hard to catch on camera, but he wasn't up to full speed yet.

Hmmm...Lots of earth tones. Think I could get one of them Nobel Prize things? Uncle Joel needs some solar panels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,

Nice photos. I am relieved to see that the boys don't have to worry about you giving away their identities. Is that a "security setting" on your camera ?

Good work on the "Changes" article (s?)

I am currently reading the article [post]"Surviving in Argentina" [Oct. 2008] by ferfal about the economic collapse in Argentina [2001]. Very appropo to your article IMHO.
He draws all of the same conclusions and makes the same suggestions that You and others elsewhere have made.

On the Cat track.... you Might be surprised. Wildcats [Bobcats] do have huge feet.

Stay Safe my friend,
