My landlord had a couple of storebought sawhorses that weren't all that strongly built to begin with and have seen a lot of service. I got tired of having to stop what I was doing and screw them back together, so - since I have all these 2X4s stored - decided I should just build a new pair.
Simple, huh? Any carpenter could do it on a smoke break. Well, I'm not a carpenter. I sat around trying to decide how to build a set of homemade (and hopefully better) sawhorses, and finally just typed "sawhorse plans" into Google.
I got 46,800 hits. Okay, some people have too much time on their hands. But we knew that.
I went with the first one.

The sawhorses are different, because this way they can be braced at the bottom and still stack. One is 2 inches smaller and has its braces on the inside of the legs. Works pretty good!

Of course the plan says the project can be done in 30 minutes and it took me most of an afternoon, but still...
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