And a third strike against the idea of our local horse doctor ever getting near one of these dogs again.
Fritz has had a hemotoma in his ear for quite some time. We took him to the horse doc three times, and each time the syringe came out full of blood. "Still bleeding, come back in a week," the guy said. Yeah, then he just stopped answering phone calls.
So we take him to the real small-animal vet 45 miles away. 200+ dollars and a surgical procedure later, poor Fritz is all bandaged up and has to wear the Camo Flower for two weeks - which looks absurd, and which he is a master at removing. I wove the drawstrings through another regular collar, which I had to put on pretty tight before he stopped being able to get the Flower off instantly. 15 minutes may be a record, and it won't surprise me if it's off before I'm done typing this.
Oh, yeah: The vet stuck one of those special flashlights into Fritz' ear, and it turns out that all this time he's had a big old grass seed in there - the horse doctor looked in the ear and declared it clear.
So: The guy neutered my puppy and damned near left a gauze pad inside his sewed-up nutsack (I caught that while he was sewing up Little Bear). He failed to notice the foreign object in Fritz' ear, which he was looking right at. And then he fouled up the treatment and stopped taking my calls. Yeah, I think we're done here. Seven dogs on the property, and no vet at all locally, not even one I'd care to fall back on in an emergency.
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