Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chapter Four: A Provisional "YAY!"

W has been doing a lot of research into the mysteries of battery charging cycles (who knew there were several?) and the workings of our Ferrari-wannabe charge controller and inverter. As a result we went two nights (though, granted, not "run the heater fan all night" nights) without running the generator even once. Yesterday we added four more 6-volt batteries (forged from solid ingots of the finest money) and doubled the capacity of the battery bank. This morning, even the ever-so-aloof-to-all-this M got up to check the voltage level, first thing: It was just that vital a question.

And sonuvagun, though the previous evenings we'd eked through without quite exhausting the system's patience, this time we didn't even arouse its annoyance: 25.1 volts at 8 AM! Very cool. It'll be nearly two weeks before we get the new solar panels on-line, so before then we'll probably find out how the voltage behaves in a cold snap.

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