Thursday, April 15, 2010

Could be, could be.

Well, there's a first time for everything. The blossoms are fading from the fruit tree, but there's been no killing frost so far this month. Some blossoms were lost to wind, but this is the first time I've seen since I've lived here the flowers go to their natural end.

Could it be there'll actually be fruit on the fruit tree this year? It'd be a first.


Anonymous said...

Yay! There definitely could be!

It appears we shall have a nice amount of Italian plums again this year. However, sadly no cherries because the second cherry tree (a Rainer) we purchased for pollination purposes bit the dust. The Bing, which has withstood the flying cattle dog jumping through it in hot pursuit of squirrel, has a bunch of blooms on.

Maybe a little plum lovin' will happen. I can hope, can't I? L2

Anonymous said...

What part of the country is this?