Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's been a very busy weekend.

Landlady got all her framing materials ordered, and I've the rest of the stuff for the retaining wall and french drain on the way. W got a whole bunch done on the dome - we hung the door, his plumbing and basic electrical all work. We had to haul the generator out there for power, but when we plugged it all in the lights lit and the outlets...outlet. Tomorrow we find out if he can get a sort-of premature sign-off from the inspector, even though there still isn't glazing in the windows. The window are all framed in now.

I don't celebrate Easter, but for those of you who do I hope you had a pleasant holiday. W sent me a picture, which I just got home and received, that pretty much sums up the boys' attitude toward the whole thing. No offense meant.

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