Thursday, April 8, 2010

Y'know, I don't say this often...

...but there oughta be a law against First Ladies promoting their own nanny agendas.

From Eleanor Roosevelt, through Nancy (Just Say No) Reagan, to the current Mrs. (Ms?) Obama, I'm not sure it's ever done that much tangible harm but it sure is annoying. Cloying. Insulting. Who elected these broads, and where do they get the authority to spend your money on their pet hobbyhorse? It makes me nostalgic for Jackie Kennedy, who as I recall just obsessed about White House table settings.

Offered for your, the redheaded stepdaughter of Obamacare, promising to...
give parents the support they need, provide healthier food in schools, help our kids to be more physically active, and make healthy, affordable food available in every part of our country.
And by "support," of course they don't mean "force."

Hey, Michelle? Here's an alternative. How about you eat whatever you want and I won't bug you about it, and you do me the same courtesy? That work for you?

*sigh* Didn't think so.

1 comment:

The Grey Lady said...

I have been following her thing about organic foods and eating right ever since they dug up that nouveau "victory Garden" at the White house. I also managed to catch Jamie Oliver's food revolution a couple of weeks ago. It was interesting in a train wreck kinda way. ( No that was not snark) I gotta ask, those 10's of millions of meals that they talk about the kids getting at school, how are they funded? I didn't see a single child with a brown paper bag or Lunch kit. This whole concept of two or three meals a day being the responsibility of the schools is not one we have. Of course we have our cafeterias at the high school level, you want to eat you belly up your wallet too and we have the obligatory Breakfast programs for the "underprivileged" kids run totally by volunteers and donated food stuffs. Just curious..I imagine you might have been out of the loop on the whole school aged, kinder kids for a while, but perhaps some one could be so kind as to explain the basic funding/responsibility set up to me I would appreciate it.