When you're the General-Who's-Going-To-Save-Us-All du jour, there are things you don't say in public. Hint: Whispering it down a well at midnight is too public. Especially "with a president who puts a premium on message discipline and loyalty." One of Obama's toadies got caught yukking it up about the Boss with his toadies, and now ye shite will hit ye spinny thing.
H/T to Sipsey Street.
Today in History...
5 hours ago
In his statement, McChrystal says he has "enormous respect and admiration for President Obama and his national security team."
Now we know he's a liar as well as injudicious.
..liar or sycophant.
didn't McChrystal say he supported the obama person and voted for him?
This is an interesting article - but the comments are even more interesting:
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