Tuesday, June 22, 2010

YOUCH! How to abruptly end a military career!

When you're the General-Who's-Going-To-Save-Us-All du jour, there are things you don't say in public. Hint: Whispering it down a well at midnight is too public. Especially "with a president who puts a premium on message discipline and loyalty." One of Obama's toadies got caught yukking it up about the Boss with his toadies, and now ye shite will hit ye spinny thing.

H/T to Sipsey Street.


Weetabix said...

In his statement, McChrystal says he has "enormous respect and admiration for President Obama and his national security team."

Now we know he's a liar as well as injudicious.

Anonymous said...

..liar or sycophant.

Anonymous said...

didn't McChrystal say he supported the obama person and voted for him?

suek said...

This is an interesting article - but the comments are even more interesting:
